Noose Pose

Noose pose is an advanced pose combining a squat, twist and bind. Noose pose is so called because its shape resembles a noose, when the arms are wrapped around the squatting legs. Binding and twists present challenges to beginners, but modified versions of noose pose are accessible to all levels, providing many of the same benefits.
Begin in Tadasana (mountain pose). Bend the knees and lower into a super low squat. Inhale and walk the hands around to the right side, bringing the left elbow to the outside of right knee. Press the knee and arm against each other. Exhale and lengthen the left side of the body. Inhale and twist deeper, rotating chest towards the sky. Exhale reach the right hand around the back of the waist. Inhale, wrap left arm back around the chins and clasp hands. To exit the pose, release the clasp and unwind the upper body. Roll-up slowly to Tadasana (mountain pose). Repeat other side.

A noose is not a very inviting visualisation for most people. However the key to this pose and any bind is to relax, not struggle against the ‘ties that bind’. Focus instead on the release of the chest skywards, adjusting as needed to be comfortable.

Maintaining balance and focus is the key to this pose. To squat, lean back into the heels. When low, come back onto the toes a bit. Ground the legs and lift the chest up and out of the hips. Relax the belly and twist with the abdominals (not upper body). Press the left arm pit against the right knee to deepen the twist. Keep rotating the chest skyward and squeeze the knees to keep hips from square.

- Stretches vertebrate column
- Stretches and strengthens ankles, hamstrings and glutes
- Tones hips and side-waist
- Massages abdominals
- Improves digestion and elimination
- Improves posture

- Twisting hips, neck back (come out of the pose and modify)
- Loosing balance (practice against wall)

- Neck, back and knee injuries
- Herniated discs

- Place heels on folded blanket
- Practice twisting with hands on wall for support
- Practice twisting in a chair
- Practice lying on back
- Use strap between hands to enable full bind
- ½ Bind around one leg
- Squat low, walk hands to one side, then other

- Place hands in prayer or reverse prayer
- Place one hand down, the other raised
- Malasana (garland pose)

- Bound angle pose
- Marichi variation III
- Janu Sirasana
- Bridge pose
Written By: Brenda Hamlet
Brenda Hamlet is a RYT 200 yoga teacher and journalist. More information about Brenda can be found at