Pose Directory > STANDING

Goddess pose (twisting variation)

Parivrtta Utkata Konasnana



Goddess pose is a wide squat pose and this variation combines a wide standing squat with a twist. Goddess pose, twisting variation is famous for its cleansing effects, gently massaging the inner organs and stretching the abdominal rectus. Goddess pose, twisting variation is suitable for pregnancy and power yoga, opening the hips and strengthening the leg and muscles.

Begin from Mountain pose. Step the feet apart to twice the width of the hips pointing the toes out 45°. Bend deeply at the hips bringing the knees out over the toes. Rotate the hips, and inner thighs outward, sinking deeper into the squat. Place the hands on the knees and lift the waist out of the hips, lengthening the spine. Press the hands wide on the knee and draw the tailbone down. Pull the glutes towards each other and exhale to twist the torso to the right. Bringing the right shoulder back, the left forward, eye gaze over the shoulder. To exit the pose, bring the eye gaze back to centre, square the shoulders and twist to the left. Repeat 3X each side.



Imagine growing tall in your spine as you lift upwards.


To lengthen the spine before twisting, lift the waist out of the hips, the ribs out of the waist, the chest out of the ribs, and head off of your chest.

  • Stretches hips, groin and chest
  • Tones and strengthens core muscles
  • Strengthens quads and inner thighs
  • Tones upper back
  • Massages internal organs
  • Improves digestion, elimination and circulation
  • Loss of balance; practice on chair
  • Twisting knee; practice against a wall
  • Hips, knee and shoulder injuries
  • Place hands in prayer
  • Practice on tiptoes
  • Extend one leg straight
  • Extend opposite arm straight up or behind
  • Mountain pose (Tadasana)
  • Standing forward bend (Uttanasana)
  • Downward facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Written By: Brenda Hamlet

Brenda Hamlet is a RYT 200 yoga teacher and journalist. More information about Brenda can be found at https://www.facebook.com/brendahamletyoga


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