10 Ways To Earn Money As A Yoga Teacher
July 9, 2018 | 4 min read
Teaching yoga can be incredibly fulfilling, while it is a fulfilling profession it can often times not fill the bank when you first get started! While you can make a living as a yoga teacher after some time, it can be rather shocking how little you may make at first. Just because you may make a little less at first doesn’t mean you can’t successfully teach as a career, you just have to get a little creative!
Here are 10 ways to earn money as a yoga teacher.
Whether you have just finished teacher training or you have been teaching for years, private lessons are the place to make more money. Whenever teaching comes up you can always extend the offer and benefits of private lessons to anyone willing to listen. It is helpful to have a business card to hand out in this case.
Private lessons can be taught in your own home or in the clients home. You can also teach private lessons at studios, but this often requires a rental rate which will eat up a portion of your profits.
You can only teach so much over the course of a 60 or 75-minute yoga class. You can also only get paid so much for teaching daily classes. This is where workshops come into play. You can teach workshops on nearly any aspect of yoga from movement and asana focused on meditation or subtle body topics.
Workshops are typically split with studios 70% to the teacher and 30% to the studio for using the space. You can also rent your own space to host your workshops in.
Workshops allow you to be creative and to express more of who you are as a teacher and what you believe in. They also offer you the opportunity to access a higher income at regular intervals throughout the years. With a number of ways to set them up from just a few hours to a full weekend,
The internet is an amazing place. Similar to private lessons you can utilize programs like Skype to host online private or group sessions. While the price of these may be lower than an in-person private lesson, you can still charge a good amount for your time and knowledge.
This is a great option if you travel frequently or have clients who travel frequently. All that you need to make these online lessons happen are a computer and a reliable internet connection. Having a website to drive traffic to your online offerings is also a smart idea.
Get outside of the studio and bring your teaching to the people. Many companies avidly promote balance for their employees and will often be very interested in setting up classes for lunch hours or after work hours.
Corporate yoga classes typically pay very well, and are easy to find if you ask the right people. In order to grab these lucrative opportunities, reach out to friends and family members that work for companies big and small to offer up your services.
Do keep in mind that you may have to follow up with the company for some time before getting a yoga program started but these opportunities are worth the wait as you can often convert several of the employees into private clients as well.
If you have a passion for the written word you can turn to freelance writing opportunities. Seeking out sites like Upwork.com, Freelancer, and even Craigslist for writing opportunities. These opportunities are great because you can work on your assignment between classes, so you don’t have to choose between picking up a class and a writing assignment.
Freelance writing is great for the simple fact that you already have in-demand knowledge. You can write for the health and wellness-focused publications and articles, or any other topic that you may be an expert in.
Making money off of Facebook and Instagram may seem difficult, but it can be done with some hard work. Creating a brand that represents you and building an active and engaged following will make you desirable to brands. Not to mention having a strong social presence will help you become recognized as an expert which can lead to more teaching opportunities and bigger partnerships with brands that pay for posts.
Posted in Business Tips
Tags: businessyoga, onlineyogateacher, yogacareer